Recently, Qinhuangdao City held an emergency drill for the handling of oil spills by sea ships to minimize
the damage of the marine environment which was caused by marine pollution accidents.
Qinhuangdao is a famous tourist city.It has a great significance to Qinhuangdao for protecting the marine
environment and minimizing the damage caused by marine pollution accidents on the marine environment.
With the arrival of the summer, visitors to the Qinghuangdao are increasing. In order to provide a safe and
clean marine tourism environment for the tourists, the Qinhuangdao Maritime Bureau was organized the drill.
The drill was assumed that an oil tanker was improperly transferring fuel oil near the center mark; it was caused
about 5 tons of ship fuel oil to enter into the sea. After received the accident report, the Qinhuangdao Ship Pollution
Emergency Command Center quickly initiated the emergency plan. The "Hite No.0401" maritime patrol ship firstly
arrived at the scene to investigate and started an image transmission system for survey and evidence collection.
The command center immediately dispatched ships carrying oil absorbing mats, oil booms, spraying devices and
disk skimmers to the accident sea. This drill was further enhanced the maritime ship oil spill accident handling ability
of Qinhuangdao City.