The 2020 provincial water emergency drill was kicked off today at the Zaozhuang section of
the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.
In this exercise, a fire broke out on a ship that caused the ship to lose control and collided
with another cargo ship on the opposite direction. Two crew members abandoned the ship
to escape, and their lives were seriously threatened as the background of the exercise.
After receiving the alarm, the marine emergency search and rescue center immediately
carried out preliminary treatment, implemented water rescue, and promptly reported
to Zaozhuang Transportation Bureau. Based on the accident situation, the Municipal
Transportation Bureau decided to initiate an emergency response, issued a navigation
prohibition notice, and reported the accident to Emergency Center of Provincial
Department of Transportation. In the face of danger, the water emergency search
and rescue center dispatched search and rescue forces in a timely manner to rescue
people who fell into the water, temporarily controlled the waters of the accident,
implemented rescue operations such as fire fighting, towing the accident vessel,
and oil spills cleaning by using oil booms and oil absorbent pads to ensure the
safety and smooth flow of the Jinghang Canal. The exercise was achieved a
complete success.
The drill was lasted nearly two hours, dispatched 13 boats of various types, and
nearly 160 people participated in the observation and exercise. Through this
exercise, the province's inland river and water emergency response and search
and rescue levels have been further improved, and valuable experience has
been accumulated for better water rescue work in the future.