In 2020, the Shijing Port joint maritime oil spill and ship-shore fire fighting drill
was successfully held. The drill was lasted more than an hour, and the number
of participants reached more than 60. A total of two sea patrol boats and two
decontamination ships were dispatched. The decontamination ships were
equipped with oil booms to prevent the expansion of the oil pollution, and at
the same time, oil absorbent pads were used to collect the oil, and the
terminal staffs extinguished the ignition point of the ship-to-shore oil hose.
According to the relevant person in charge of the Quanzhou Nanan Maritime
Department, through this drill, the emergency response capabilities of the
ship and the enterprise were evaluated, the division of responsibilities of
relevant posts was clarified, and the coordination ability of emergency
rescue was improved, and the expected results were achieved.