2019 Jiangmen City maritime search and rescue emergency comprehensive drill was held.
The purpose of this drill is to further strengthen the water search and rescue linkage
mechanism of various emergency management departments, promote communication
and coordination among various member units, and coordinate resource allocation,
form a joint search and rescue operation for water, improve the efficiency of water
search and rescue, and provide strong and powerful economic and social development
for Jiangmen Maritime security. At the scene of the drill, a sudden failure of a
100,000-ton coal-carrying ship was out of control, and then it was collided with a
high-speed passenger ship in the waters of Taishanchuan Island, causing passenger
ships to enter into the water, posing a sunken danger, and 90 passengers and 6
crew members were seriously threatened and need to transfer their lives. The whole
drill was consisted of 19 scenes of four major projects, including ship fire protection,
marine lifesaving, ship detachment, oil spill pollution disposal by deploying oil booms
and oil absorbent pads.