
The artificial lake of Liuzhou Garden Expo has being polluted.


China-Guangxi News Network reported on 14th-16thMay the news of the artificial lake in Liuzhou 4A Garden Expo has being polluted,where was the pollution from?How to treat the pollution?How about the situation now?After the troubleshooting they found the pollution caused by the lubricating oil pipeline cracking of assembly shop of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co.,Ltd. So far,the pollution clean-up job is still in process.


As introduced,at 6pm of 15thMay, finally found the specific leakage point where the stainless steel hoses welding part for transport the gearbox lubricants has occured cracks. The lubricating oil has leakage from the cracks and came into the open channel after penetrated the rainwater pipe network,after then flows to Garden Expo, which occured the water pollution.


Later then, Liudong area emergency office positively started the emergency disposal jobs and made the treatment scheme. Now, the relevant units and cleanliness has handle the oil pollution on the lake, they use 200meters Oil Containment Boom, a crane and 20 workers. Furthermore, adpoted Oil Absorbent Pad and Oil Absorbent Boom to clean up the oil pollution on the sea.


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