
Dalian exchange of renewable resource reopen account

Dalian exchange of renewable resources department, the trade catagories have renewable resource,petrochemical products, scarcity of renewable resources, Chinese medical herbs,agricultural products etc. For the scarcity of renewable resources: Dalian Oil,Regeneration of nickel,Regeneration of silver.

Dalian Oil also called Dalian Heavy Oil, so what is heavy oil?

Heavy oil also called fuel oil,shown black liquid, mainly by vacuum residuum, cracked residuum,cracked diesel oil and catalytic diesel oil components in the raw material processing program. According to the cataloguing methodology of international convention, heavy oil can be called persistent oil, so this kind of oil is ropiness and hard to develop, so it is very hard to clean up when it on shore. For example, because its very ropiness, when it enter into the sea water, if seabirds feather touched the oil, it effects the seabirds cannot fly and foraging.Meanwhile, the seabirds will swallow the oil into belly when they preening which made die. Espacially for some kinds of fishes,the baby fishes will have a big influences on the oil. When the oil comes to the beach, it will adhere to the beach and very hard to remove. Expert says, anti-oil pollution can use Oil Spill Containment Boom, Oil Absorbent Pad and Oil Spill Dispersant and such kind of emergency facilities.

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