At 9 am, the drill was officially begun. An out-of-control freighter broke into the Wenchang 13-1/2 oilfield,
and rushed straight to the “Nanhaifenjing” FPSO. The Wenchang 13-1/2 oil field immediately launched an
emergency procedure, reported to the limited Zhanjiang emergency duty room on the one hand. On the
other hand, they released the production stop order, commanded the guard ship to try to push the
freighter, and prepared for the collision. At 9:14, the collision between the FPSO and the uncontrolled
freighter caused the oil tank ruptured, and a large amount of crude oil leaked out and caused a fire.
After received the accident report, the limited Zhanjiang Emergency Command Center immediately
launched an emergency response procedure, coordinated the relevant government departments,
closely monitored the public's public opinion, and controlled the situation. At the drill site, the fire
department and the medical team quickly assembled and actively carried out fire fighting and
anti-pollution exercises. At the same time, they invested 2 guard boats, 5 water guns and water
cannons, and 2 oil booms to participate in emergency rescue, which was close to the actual
combat effect.