The Office of the Leading Group for Water Pollution Prevention and Control of
Hebei Province recently announced the “Three-Year Action Plan for Bishui
Defence in Hebei Province (2018~2020)”, which calls for prevention of risk of
oil spills and hazardous chemicals leakage at sea. According to the plan, the
province will regularly carry out special law enforcement inspections of key
risk sources, strengthen environmental monitoring of maritime oil spills and
hazardous chemical spills on coastal waters, and improve emergency response
and command mechanisms. Before the end of 2019, the risk assessment of
offshore oil spills and oil spills in the Bohai Sea will be completed. By the end
of 2020, a joint emergency response mechanism for maritime oil spills and
hazardous chemicals leakage and marine environment will be established, and
the statistics of oil spill emergency materials (such as oil absorbent pads,
oil absorbent booms, oil booms, chemical absorbent pads,etc.) will be built,
monitoring, calling and hazardous chemicals leakage comprehensive
information platform.