In order to effectively enhance the marine oil spill emergency command and coordination
disposal capacities in the jurisdiction, and reduce oil spill pollution damage, on September
14, Jinzhou Maritime Safety Administration, together with Jinzhou Port Co., Ltd., China
Power Investment Jinzhou Port Co., Ltd., and the area's ship pollution removal unit
organized the 2021 oil spill emergency special joint drill.
This drill was simulated accidental damage to the ship's hull at berth 401, and a sudden
oil spill was occurred in the engine room,it resulted in a large amount of diesel leakage.
After receiving the report, the Jinzhou Maritime Safety Administration immediately
activated the emergency plan, organized the terminal emergency forces and the
cleanup ships to the site, and adopted methods such as laying oil booms,
oil absorbent pads and spraying oil spill dispersant to prevent the spread of
oil pollution, and used the oil skimmers to recover the oil pollution, marine
patrol boats were dispatched to the scene to implement vigilance, and
navigation warnings were continuously broadcast to prevent ships from
entering the pollution prevention emergency waters and ensure the
navigation safety of ships in accidents.